

目前顯示的是 11月, 2024的文章

V1995年美國追思會致詞--紀念我的姐姐陸台蘭/ 陸璞厲Polly

  In Memory of My Sister, Dolly Polly Lo Rolland (for Memorial Service) Dolly Tai-Lan Lo was born on March 9, 1955, in Taiwan.  Her Chinese Name was Tai-Lan, meaning "the Orchid of Taiwan," and as we all know, orchid was her favorite flower on earth.  Her other name "Tan-li," is the red lychee.  She will always be remembered as the most beautiful flower in our hearts. My mother says that when she was young she was very thin and had dark skin.  In spite of our financial circumstances, she was sent to the prestigious Taipei American School so that she wouldn't be under the tremendous pressure of the Chinese School.  But she always gave herself even more pressure, and she would set for herself the highest standards and goals achievable.  To us, she has always been the best.  She graduated from TAS with an English Award, a Spanish Award and an U.S. Embassy Award.  Someone at the graduation whispered the question: "How can a Chinese Girl receive a...

記錄Dolly過世當時的情形- 陶天文Tien-wen Tao Wiedmann

  19 Remembering Dolly Tien-wen Tao Wiedmann On a Friday evening in November 1994, I was working late in the office and a fax arrived from LiLin Hsu in Taiwan asking me to look in on her good friend Dolly who was treated for leukemia at Stanford University Hospital. I immediately called Dolly at the number LiLin gave me. Expecting to hear a weak voice from a very sick person on the phone line, I was surprised by a strong voice filled with energy and good cheer though she had just come home from a tough day at the Hospital. We stayed on the phone for more than an hour when Dolly gave me a most impressive and articulate treatise of her illness in a scientific and rational way. Wanting to learn more about how I could help her, I decided to pay her a visit on my way home that same evening. That was when and how I met Dolly for the first time. Dolly and I became friends immediately and our friendship grew quickly. Dolly put it well in her note to me on April 15, 1995 after she had been ...

如何才能最好地幫助台灣的社會生活在一個法治社會 / 陸台蘭的導師、台灣的好朋友 Robert2024/10給台灣年輕律師的一封信(Bob) 中文翻譯僅供參考

如何幫助台灣生活在一個法治社會 / Robert 親愛的同事們: 許多年前,我還是個年輕的律師。現在我是老律師了。一路走來,我經歷了各種各樣的生活經歷,有好的,有壞的,但大多數都是綜合的。從那次經驗中,許多操作原則或「道路規則」已成為我實踐的堅實組成部分。您可能對它們感興趣,也可能不感興趣,但我會與您分享,以防萬一。 將來,當您的職業生涯接近尾聲時,您應該考慮傳承您的經驗,這些經驗可能會為您的繼任者未來的職業生涯提供參考。從事某一職業的每一代至少應該盡力幫助下一代改進和維持該職業。服務目標和集體(和個人)高標準是使法律執業成為一種職業而不僅僅是另一種謀生方式的重要組成部分。 您將教授並接受許多關於如何成為「優秀律師」的課程。也許寫下您的一些建議將是傳遞您職業生涯課程的一種方式。 指導和健康習慣 法律職業是現代工商業社會的必要組成部分。如果律師不能維持相當嚴格的謹慎和誠信標準,社會,你們的社會,將會被削弱。您個人也會發現,如果您以專業水平誠實行事,晚上會更容易入睡。 我很幸運有一位導師比爾·吉本斯(Bill Gibbons),他總是走捷徑。他是我的第一位老闆,1966 年我開始工作時,他是貝克·麥堅時(Baker & McKenzie) 的合夥人。羅(Dolly Lo) 年長,當時她在貝克·麥堅時(Baker & McKenzie) 作為暑期實習生開始了她的職業生涯。 比爾從未向我講授遵守規則、走捷徑的道德責任。他只是沒有試圖偷偷溜過停車標誌,希望沒人注意。很多時候,沒人看。然而,有時,也許是在意想不到的時刻,有人在看著。 我非常悲傷地看到一些同事的職業生涯被毀,他們以為自己可以在一件小事上做一些當時看來很小的謊言而逃脫懲罰。律師不能指望「小謊言」就能逃脫懲罰。特別是當該聲明是經過宣誓並受到偽證處罰的情況下。即使在「大法」領域,職業生涯也已經結束,因為人們錯誤地認為,一個適度的謊言是值得說的,也許「就這一次」。 我總是想知道,如果我沒有從我粗暴的第一位導師比爾·吉本斯那裡學到榜樣,我可能會做什麼。也許我會有抵抗誘惑的堅強性格,也許不會。幸運的是,我很早就養成了說實話的習慣,從而避免了做出艱難的道德選擇的困難,在我職業生涯接下來的 22,000 天裡一次只說一句話。試著養成讓你遠離說「善意的」或僅僅是「可接受的」謊言的誘惑...