

V1996年10月 / By 衛斯理大學好友Nanci Nowicki Rountz

Remembering Dolly By Nanci Nowicki Rountz October, 1996 Dolly and I met in the fall of 1973, during our freshman year at Wellesley collage.  We both lived on the first floor of Pomeroy Hall.  One morning we found ourselves together and sat talking for more than an hour.  I think that we became friends right there and then, though we came from very different background. Dolly was not like anyone I knew. I remember particularly being struck by the contradiction between how she appeared --small, frail, very feminine -- and how she was -- strong, sure, independent.  I sensed even than an underlying seriousness of purpose that was extraordinary. There were so many different kinds of students at Wellesley, and Dolly and I had many different friends. But always we sought each other out, and our friendship deepened as we got to know each other better. I loved learning about  Taiwan and Chinese history, culture, and food through Dolly. She loved her country above everything! As an American who

1995/12/7 JOHN KLOTSCHE於Dolly告別禮拜致詞: 對Baker & McKenzie而言,我們的台北辦事處和 Dolly 是同義詞

JOHN KLOTSCHE REMARKS MEMORIAL SERVICES FOR DOLLY TAI-LAN LO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1995 LADERA COMMUNITY CHURCH - PORTOLA VALLEY, CA Good moming. My name is John Klotsche and I am Chairman of the Executive Committee of Baker & McKenzie, a partner in the Firm's Palo Alto office and, most importantly, a partner and friend of Dolly Lo. Professionally, Dolly launched her career with our Firm in 1982 shortly after she  graduated from Harvard Law School (1980). This also roughly coincided with the Firm's open ing an office in Taipei. Dolly was elected an international partner in the Firm 4 years  later, an exceptionally short period of hime even measured by the standards that the Firm then  applied. The success of that venture in Taipei is today beyond question. It has grown  the larger law frons in the country. More importantly, the office has built a reputation, both  within and without the Firm, as delivering the absolutely finest quality legal services to its  mulhinational c

V1996/11 女兒病中的心路歷程 / By 王陳恩美

  女兒病中的心路歷程 王陳恩美 青天霹靂在法國(1/2/94) 在93年的 11月裡,滿懷希望我們可與台蘭一家到她巴黎的公寓與 Angers 璞厲的家一起過聖誕與新年。可是在十一月底左右台蘭來電話她不 能去法國了,因她有公事要出差,她要我們自己去。我知她公事重要也無可 奈何。我們在璞厲公婆家過了很熱鬧與愉快的聖誕夜,然後女婿 Frederic 開車全家去巴黎,去了羅浮宮與公園等。年三十晚璞厲預備了很多法國小菜, 大家吃得很開心。我們在元旦回到璞厲家。 一月二日,璞厲來我們房間說要告訴我們一件事,要我們鎮靜。她 說“姊姊得了血癌”。她放了台蘭錄好的錄音帶給我們聽。她說她病了,但 這病是可以醫好的,要我們不要太緊張。她不讓我們在美國知道而讓璞厲在 法國告訴我們,在那時有璞厲在旁,可以安慰我們。如我早知了,一定不會 去法國而要改去台北。這點使我很感動,也很心痛。她得了重病還要設法瞞 住我。我打電話去,她讓家中人說她出去了。然後家中人打電話去醫院告訴 她,她再從醫院打來,假裝是在家中打的,其實那時她已開始在榮總做痛苦 的化療而我們還在法國享樂。知道了她的善意,更使我難過。寫到這裡淒然 淚下。一向我不認為她是個貼心,體貼的女兒,但從這件事,可了解她還是 很孝順的,在病中還為我著想。 去台北探病(2/27-4/1/94) 我們很快就回到美國家中。在2/27日去台北看她。她剛做完第二次化 療出院,精神很好,還請我們與親戚在美僑俱樂部吃飯,又去大溪新蓋的 Hotel 住了兩天,還去小人國玩。 她再回醫院做化療時,我與阿幼每天中午送飯去,陪她與她一起吃午 飯,飯後看國語連續劇。她也安排了她的朋友們在週末來陪她。慧孫更是常 去陪她。她在病中,我去看她時,她都坐在床上忙著為“骨髓捐赠”事出一 本宣傳冊子,那時台灣只有八千個骨髓。聽說現在已增加到十萬。她也捐了 錢,她在這件事上真也盡了一份力。她也寫了一篇文章"我是幸運兒 一 我得了血癌”她這種面對事實的精神是不可多得的。她在自己重病中不僅想 到同病相憐的人,也用實際行動來做點幫助的事是一個好榜樣。她一向有憐 憫人的心。她告訴我,她在美時曾寄錢給台北的國際孤兒。 那時,我看她坐在床上,除了骨髓事忙,也在寫她的遺囑,為兒女的 費作安排。雖然她對她的病始終抱著希望,她還是冷静地作一些不會好 的安排。正如外國人說,"Hope

1996/08/12 愛她的親友願意探討她所信的 /By 王陳恩美

1996/08/12 王陳恩美於法國拉波海邊 從西岸辦完台蘭的追思禮拜回來後,心中除了無限的哀傷外,還有許多感想與嘆息。 起初只想把她兩年病中我所知,所見的情形記錄下來,留作日後的回憶,所以寫了那篇「女兒病中的心路歷程。 3月9日她生日那天,她的一生在我的思潮中盤旋,我就寫了那篇一封不需要郵票的信」。 接著想到收集一些資料與照片,為她做一本紀念冊來回憶她的一生也很有意義,而且希望這本記念冊可以達到我下面三個願望: 1、安琦與陸安現在只有六歲、四歲,長大後怎能記得深愛他們的媽媽呢? 這本紀念冊將成為他們追尋親的寶藏。 台蘭的一生就如每個人的一生一樣,有其成功與失敗,優點與缺點,但她的聰明,能幹,讀書用功,工作努力與在事業上的成就,的確值得她兒女效法。 2、台蘭已離去半多了,看到她的照片,還不能相信她已不在世上了。她是那麽活動,堅強,自信,樂觀與熱愛生命,對孩子,家庭,事業充滿計劃與希望。但這一切對她現在已成泡影,而她現在所有的,所在的地方,是她從未想到,從未計劃過的。 由此使我想到人是多麽渺小,無知,與無能;世事變化無窮,不是任何人可以预料到的。 但願家人與親友從台蘭中年去世的事上常想到在世上所追求的一切,可能會突然煙消雲散,而永恒的生命必須盡早去思想,探索與準備。 3. 台蘭幼年受基督教洗禮,少年時還在教會園契,高中、大學時遠離了教會,成年後回到台灣的十幾年中信了佛教,風水與算命,甚至意皈依法師。但她在最後三個月中,天天看聖經而醒悟過來,重新相信耶穌基督,相信基督教的上帝是唯一的真神。 從她信仰的反復上,顯明上帝的大能,聖經上說:『在人不能,在神凡事都能』·(馬太福音十九:26) 我相信如果上帝要醫治她身體的病也是可做到的。但上帝醫治了她靈魂的病,使她的靈甦醒過來,認識真神,她現在才能回到天家享福,將來還要復活而且永遠活著,我們一家在永恆裏將要團聚。 我常想,如果她身體得醫治,在世上多活幾十年,那也是暫時的,有一天终必離去。在這幾十年中,我没有把握她會回頭信耶穌,那就是沒有把握她一定會有現在擁有的永恒的生命。 在這延長的幾十年中還不知有多少的悲歡離合,就是再好有一天也將成空,那比得上她現在已得著的永生呢? 大家都認為台蘭是十分聰明,理智的人,她知道她不久會離開這世界, 她對她的將來,靈魂的去處,必須做一個明智的抉擇。佛教也有講到極樂世界,她可以繼續信佛,我十分相信是

V1995/12/07 追思會致詞 / By Robert H Dilworth (Re: Dolly生前三個月重回主耶穌懷抱 )

Robert H Dilworth Remarks at December 7, 1995 Memorial Service for Dolly Tai-Lan Lo John and Dolly's family asked me to speak today. I should not be speaking. Dolly was sopposed to speak at my funeral. I hope I can get through this without weeping. We are all here because we loved her. We need to reaffirm that common experience  by coming together to remember her and how she touched each of our lives. In the process, and afterwards, we can perhaps better understand her life, her struggle for the last two years, and its outcome. I first met Dolly 17 years ago when she came to clerk in the Taipei office after her first year in law school. I believe Professor Cohen at Harvard Law School had written Bob Yahng that he had an unusual student for us to consider. I discounted that recommendation because law professors often seem to think their students are unusual because the professors are unusual. But the Taipei office was just starting up and we had no other candidates who were Chinese