
1995/03/27 Dolly書信 to Baker & McKenzie - Re:出院問題,體力恢復發現自己的藝術天賦

Via Telecopier

To: My friends and colleagues

From: Dolly Tai-lan Lo

Date: March 27, 1995

Re: Discharge from Hospital

I am pleased to report that my bone marrow transplant was performed on January 25, 1995, after which I remained in "isolation" for 40 days and was finally discharged from the hospital on March 15, 1995! In the first ten days on the outside, I had to re-learn simple activities such as eating, walking and exercising - all of which are now progressing nicely. I must still visit the hospital every other day for transfusions of blood products as my new bone marrow is not yet functioning normally. Over time, the frequency of visits should decrease and when I no longer require outpatient care, I will be able to return home to Taiwan.

My two months in the hospital were the most difficult period I have ever endured - both physically and mentally. Being in isolation was particularly challenging for a socially active person such as myself. Your many notes and letters, including a warm letter from the new general counsel of a long-time client whom I had not even had the opportunity to meet, were an important contributing factor to my sanity.  As I gradually regained my strength, I also rediscovered my artistic talents by working with the hospital's art therapist to make toys for my children - a Noah's ark filled with animals for my son and a doll house complete with furniture for my daughter. The doctors pronounced me the most productive patient they had ever had.

At the end of this week, my children will be joining me in Palo Alto for the next three

months. I am certain they will be wonderful catalysts and stimulate me to work even harder on my recovery than I am now.

I look forward to communicating with you from Taiwan in July. 



Via Telecopier 電子複印機

To: 我的朋友和同事


日期: 1995年3月27日


我很高興地報告,我的骨髓移植是在1995年1月25日進行的。之後,我被"隔離"了40天,終於出院了,1995年3月15日! 在外面的前十天,我不得不重新學習簡單的活動。比如吃飯、走路和鍛鍊——所有這些現在都進展順利。 我仍然必須每隔一天去醫院輸血,因為我的新骨髓尚未正常運作。 隨著時間的推移,探訪的次數應該會減少,當我不再需要門診治療時,我就可以回到台灣的家了。

住院的兩個月是我經歷過的最困難的時期——無論是身體上還是精神上。對於像我這樣活躍於社交的人來說,處於孤立狀態尤其具有挑戰性。您的許多筆記和信件,包括一封來自我甚至沒有機會見到的長期客戶的新總法律顧問的熱情信,是我保持理智的重要因素。 隨著體力逐漸恢復,我也重新發現了自己的藝術天賦,與醫院的藝術治療師一起為孩子們製作玩具——為兒子製作了一艘裝滿動物的諾亞方舟,為女兒製作了一座配有家具的娃娃屋。醫生們宣布我是他們見過的最有成效的病人。





V《婦女雜誌》1985年10月號第205期,標題: 年輕、卓越—她們正邁向事業高峰

▲當期封面 ▲當期目錄頁 ▲當期報導跨頁1 ▲當期報導跨頁2 媒體: 婦女雜誌1985年10月號第205期 標題: 年輕、卓越—她們正邁向事業高峰 作者: 陳曉君 頁數: p16-19 陸台蘭 —國際通商法律事務所法律顧問 哈佛大學法律博士陸台蘭回國三年以來,成功地辦理過幾件重大的外商投資案,如美商摩托羅拉公司,安訊電腦公司的投資案,以及中央信託局,中華貿易開發公司等大貿易商的國際貸款糾紛和貿易糾紛案件。由於她專業能力強,中英文俱佳,又有在美國執業的經驗,委託她辦案的人越來越多,她已成為國內律師界專長辦理國際性商業法律案件的好手之一。 去年12月,經濟部核准了美國最具規模的半導體製造商摩托羅拉公司在台灣投資生產半導體,這項投資計劃的總投資額超過1億美元,是近年來最大的外商投資案之一,對刺激國內投資意願和引進高級電子工業技術有重大的意義,這項投資案的成功,除了經濟部投資單位的大力促成和財務部的通力配合,該公司在台所委任的法律顧問陸台蘭扮演了重要的折衝角色。 回國三年以來,陸台蘭已成為國內律師界專長辦理國際性商業法律案件的好手之一,她年輕有衝勁,專業能力強,回台後進入國際通商法律事務所工作,擔任法律顧問,很快就展露頭角。 國際通商法律事務所是一家國際性的法律事務所,陸台蘭的工作經常涉及處理外商投資或技術合作案件。她除了接受外商的委託,與政府官員或合作對象的本地公司的股東進行交涉、磋商之外,也要將我國有關投資的法令、工商業的運作和一切會影響投資的事務解釋給外國人聽。這時候她所扮演的角色很像一個折衝樽俎的外交官。 她也接受過外國銀行的委託,向銀行貸款的對象做確認查證的工作。在去年4月爆發的中信局涉及30億美元的國際貸款詐騙案中,由於她的聰明機警,揭穿了騙局,才使中信局未蒙受損失或招致法律責任。中國時報記者劉益宏在去年4月7日就這個案子對他所做的專訪中寫到:「年輕的美國哈佛大學女博士陸台蘭在這次中信局發生的3億美金國際貸款詐騙案中,扮演了揭發弊端的最重要角色。」 「陸台蘭和現任中信局長金唯信是哈佛先後期同學,巧的是她也是美國堪薩斯州Wichita大學銀行在台的委任律師。去年12月Wichita大學銀行打算撥款前,委託陸台蘭向中信局查證,她向金唯信求證之後,發覺是個騙局,除電告美國銀行不可付款外,並要求銀行提供全部資料給中信局,確認出於偽造之後,由調查局接手偵辦,終於使詐騙嫌犯

V1995/12/07 追思會致詞 / By Robert H Dilworth (Re: Dolly生前三個月重回主耶穌懷抱 )

Robert H Dilworth Remarks at December 7, 1995 Memorial Service for Dolly Tai-Lan Lo John and Dolly's family asked me to speak today. I should not be speaking. Dolly was sopposed to speak at my funeral. I hope I can get through this without weeping. We are all here because we loved her. We need to reaffirm that common experience  by coming together to remember her and how she touched each of our lives. In the process, and afterwards, we can perhaps better understand her life, her struggle for the last two years, and its outcome. I first met Dolly 17 years ago when she came to clerk in the Taipei office after her first year in law school. I believe Professor Cohen at Harvard Law School had written Bob Yahng that he had an unusual student for us to consider. I discounted that recommendation because law professors often seem to think their students are unusual because the professors are unusual. But the Taipei office was just starting up and we had no other candidates who were Chinese